I need help coding so i can make a Plants vs. Zombies game this is what the gameplay’s like:
First, you go to talk to Crazy Dave, your neighbor who gives you the mission on your level then you click start to begin or cancel to cancel when you click start, your camera pans to the gameplay position and the game starts all 49 plants from the first game need to do what they do and all 25 types of zombies need to do what they do, they are all custom models which means they don’t have humanoid parts of a robloxian they’re made of parts, meshes, unions, etc. the way it needs to work is zombies walk to the left side of the screen where your house is and there need to be 50 missions for you to do there also needs to be events for after you beat a 10th level, to goes from day to night and vice versa the zombies are mostly made out of unions but there are a few that have meshes in them. can anyone help me figure this out? i want to start with the quest giving mechanic and switching the camera view from your character to gameplay and having your character enter the house i’d also like to figure out how to make it have multiplayer.
That’s a pretty hefty task. I reccomend you watch tower defense tutorials and tune them to however you want, also ChatGPT is surprisingly good at helping you code your ideas.
first i need to know how to code the quest giver system