How to make a player equip 2 tools(Sword&Armor)

Self explanatory from the title, I want to make an rpg game but can’t really find any tutorial on how to make a player equip armor and a sword/spell at the same time, can someone help me. Thanks

you need to develop your own equipment system, with the welds

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It’s not possible to equip 2 tools at once. You need to make your own armour system. You could achieve this by making the armour and then adding it as an accessory to the player when they equip it. There’s lots of tutorials and documentation on how to do this.


I remember one game where you could equip a shield and a sword at the same time using the normal roblox tool bar.
You equip the shield when you equip the sword but you don’t equip the sword when you equip the shield. I believe the dev made it so the tool gets added into the model of your character when you equip the sword.

I believe the code would look a bit like this:

local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local sword = script.parent
local shield = Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Shield") or Player.Backpack:WaitForChild("Shield")

    shield.Parent = Player.Character
    shield.Parent = Player.Backpack