How to make a player scroll system?

I am trying to create a system where every round, a different player is picked to become the killer, and on a GUI it cycles through every player until it lands on the selected killer. How would I bring this to life and what is the best way to approach this?
Many thanks in advance.

  1. Get a list of all players in the game.
  2. Pick one player as the killer each round.
  3. Set up a GUI to display player names.
  4. Use a loop to cycle through player names visually until it lands on the killer.
  5. Stop cycling and highlight the selected killer.

You can tweak the timing and visuals to make it better! This is how I would do it.

How would I do step 4? Is there a way to make it slow down when landing on the killer?

local players = game.Players:GetPlayers()
local killerIndex = math.random(1, #players)
local gui = script.Parent:WaitForChild("YourGuiName")
local textLabel = gui:WaitForChild("TextLabel")

local speed = 0.1
local displayIndex = 1

while true do
    textLabel.Text = players[displayIndex].Name

    displayIndex = (displayIndex % #players) + 1

    if displayIndex == killerIndex then
        speed = speed + 0.05 
        speed = math.max(speed - 0.01, 0.1) 

It would look something like this.

Thank you so much! How would I change the script so it stops on the killer, not on the first time but after cycling through the players a few times, because currently it just continues forever.

Would I use something along the lines of if speed == 3 then…

local players = game.Players:GetPlayers()
local killerIndex = math.random(1, #players)
local gui = script.Parent:WaitForChild("YourGuiName")
local textLabel = gui:WaitForChild("TextLabel")

local speed = 0.1
local displayIndex = 1

while true do
    textLabel.Text = players[displayIndex].Name

    displayIndex = (displayIndex % #players) + 1

    if displayIndex == killerIndex then
        speed = speed + 0.05
        textLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0)
        speed = math.max(speed - 0.01, 0.1)
```. All you would need to do is add a break in there alongside wait(1)

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