How to make a playlist

Oh hello! I was wondering how do I make a playlist and it looping without it playing everytime in a single time it will be a MESS. I think if I want to it to loop I can put while true do. I’m pretty sure but thank for reading I appreciate it


Thanks I’m not in studio it’s 150 am but I’m deb forum I hope this works thanks and btw what the “#” mean in scripts

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(30 charactershelpomgss)


The # in front of music stands for the length of the table (how many items are inside your playlist). The for loop will go through every item in the playlist, from the 1st to the last.


I tried this, and at first it didn’t work but then I fixed this part:
local currentmusic = music[i]
by changing it to this:
local currentmusic = “rbxassetid://”…music[i]
Works good now.

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It didn’t work because you’re supposed to type out its full name

Like this:


How do I make it so it’s a random song out of the id’s?