I was trying to make a plugin where you spawn in models when you click the textbutton.
I was going to make a button in toolbar and when you click the tool this gui appears but the only problem I have with this is making the button only when your editing your game and I didn’t want it to appear when testing your game.
Its possible and easy. Simply clone the model into workspace and move it to the mouse position into a folder, Make a function when game starts it deletes the folder that contains inserted models. For help creating plugin buttons view https://developer.roblox.com to learn on plugins. Heres a example code from my known plugin Locksmith What we use to make the button on the topbar.
Install the locksmith plugin then open up commandbar run: game.InsertService:LoadAsset(5051433756).Parent = game.Workspace inside of the Locksmith Source code should be the correct code for creating the button and using it.
(Studio is’nt opening for me rn It’s taking a while to update)