How to make a Plugin with a GUI When In Roblox Studios

I was trying to make a plugin where you spawn in models when you click the textbutton.

I was going to make a button in toolbar and when you click the tool this gui appears but the only problem I have with this is making the button only when your editing your game and I didn’t want it to appear when testing your game.

I don’t know if thats possible.

Its possible and easy. Simply clone the model into workspace and move it to the mouse position into a folder, Make a function when game starts it deletes the folder that contains inserted models. For help creating plugin buttons view to learn on plugins. Heres a example code from my known plugin Locksmith What we use to make the button on the topbar.

feteching code…

I mean to make buttons that you could only see when you click the tool.

Ah, thats possible, I just don’t know how to do that.

Please show me more pictures of what you mean?

Let me tell you what he means,image see these plugins that are clicked? They are pushed down and their guis only show up when clicked.

OHHHH. Let me fetch the code from my plugin Locksmith - Roblox as I forgot it myself how to create the button.

Can I learn too how to make this button?

Install the locksmith plugin then open up commandbar run: game.InsertService:LoadAsset(5051433756).Parent = game.Workspace inside of the Locksmith Source code should be the correct code for creating the button and using it.
(Studio is’nt opening for me rn It’s taking a while to update)

Thanks, this might be the button code.local toggleUiButton = toolbar:CreateButton(“Toggle Widget”, “Open/Close Widget”, “rbxassetid://5051086561”)

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Yes, thats the correct code! Goodluck with your plugin!

Glad to help 2 people in one post!

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Wow, everyone I’ve met here is super nice :smiley:

Ey, you still there?? (30 chars)

yeah just trying to see if the code works.