Hey guys! I am here to ask if anybody reading this have any idea on how to make a projectile client side hit detection . I would like the hit detection to be handled on the client but I have no idea how to do it . My idea is to fire a remote event which tells the server the origin and direction to tell the other clients for visual effect .
But I soon found a problem which is when the client get a positives hit, do i just send the origin and direction to the server ?How would the server know that the origin had not been tempered with due to the time taken for the player to fire?
every gun system does hit detection on the client which then fires a remote to the server with the hit data. then the server will validate that request using various methods
most common methods are
if you have a settings file: make sure its a valid one
do magnitude checks seeing if that shot was even possible
do not raycast to check if they shot through a wall. this only works if your bullet has no gravity. if it has gravity then you wont be able to do wall checks
Wdym by setting file? Is it like a module script with the settings? Also the magnitude check is kinda useless as hackers can just shoot through walls by using a RemoteEvent . Thanks for the reply!