This guide doesn’t go in-depth on the coding bit of things, made it for fun, hope someone finds it useful, like the post if you want a part 2, i have a lot more to share PS2R_Part1.pdf (906.1 KB)
For anyone that doesn’t feel safe downloading the file you can now view the full pdf guide on my github here
If you’re going for a PS1/N64 game i’d suggest reading this post by M1dnight_Dev and applying some of the stuff from my PDF that you feel would fit
Most possibly a false-flag but this PDF fired my anti-virus as a possible “Detected Heuristic Script”, any chance you could post this outside of the PDF file?
Worth also keeping the above in mind for anyone who intends on taking a look, Google antivirus flags it.
It has like 4 lines of lua code in it and some pastebin links to the needed scripts, i guess you can open it on like a online pdf reader if that makes you feel safe
I am making a full kit based on this tutorial which will be open source, here’s a little preview of the updated mip mapping feature which now uses attributes instead of clunky values under the objects
Update, i generally lost time and interest but i do have a semi complete base / template that i will record a video on in the next couple of days and release it along with the complete place file