How to make a Proper Vehicle System

Hello. My goal is to create a working Vehicle System. But idk how to do that

  1. What do you want to achieve?
  • Auto Vehicle Spawn System if Spawn Point is empty
  • Vehicle buy GUI
  • Vehicle Owner
  • Vehicle get Auto deleted if not used for 5 Mins
  1. What is the issue?
    I have no clue how to script this at all. I never scripted Vehicles before but I really need it for my game

  2. What solutions have you tried so far?

  • Trying to hire someone for doing it, but Either just scammers or Vehicle builders came.

If you want to help me with that, you can contact me on Discord


Every Help is appreciated

You are on the wrong category, we help out people’s scripts in this category. Move to collaboration category instead.

There is a lot of things going on here to start with:

  • Auto vehicle spawn will involve a saved model in ReplicatedStorage containing the vehicle. The script will track the spawned vehicle. If it has never been occupied, do nothing. If there’s someone operating the vehicle, set off a variable which I will explain what it will be used for.
  • Buying GUI requires client-server interaction. The client will contain this GUI and fire to server. The server will check for requirements. If all conditions are matched, the server will proceed to do whatever to purchase.
  • For vehicle owner, save the reference to the vehicle in a dictionary, using the player’s UserId as key per vehicle.
  • Auto-deletion is tied to the vehicle spawn. Once it is triggered, and if the vehicle operator leaves their seat, the timer will start using os.clock() as starting time(and subsequently looped with os.clock() - startTime < 5).