How to make a proximity prompt activate a cutscene

Title says it all. I’m trying to make a proximity prompt activate a cutscene. Can’t get anything to work.

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You have to use a remote event and fire it to the player who triggers the prompt

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How would I do that? I think I did it wrong last time.

Could you send a screenshot of your script ?

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Script in the proximity promt

	script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Value.Value = true

Local Script in ServerScriptService
	local camera = game.ReplicatedStorage.HouseBuyCutscene.Camera:Clone()
	camera.Parent = player.PlayerScripts
	local Cutscene = game.ReplicatedStorage.HouseBuyCutscene.Animation:Clone()
	Cutscene.Parent = player.PlayerScripts

When you receive the event on local side you don’t get a player variable, you have to change “player” to “game.Players.LocalPlayer” this should work, if not have you looked into the output ?

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Like this?
	local camera = game.ReplicatedStorage.HouseBuyCutscene.Camera:Clone()
	camera.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts
	local Cutscene = game.ReplicatedStorage.HouseBuyCutscene.Animation:Clone()
	Cutscene.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts
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You can use a remote function to fire a function for all clients and make cutscenes with waypoints and CurrentCamera manipulation. You can also slide in some dialogue for the fancy of it.

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Still cant get it to work. (charlimit)