I’m not sure if this is confusing, but how would I make it so the progress bar in a proximity prompt rotates in reverse, like it starts as a full circle, and reverses until the prompts progression is done. I just wanna use the normal roblox proximity prompt for this
with the default roblox proximity prompt i dont think its possible
nevermind found out the solution, you change the setupcircularprogressbar function to this:
local function setUpCircularProgressBar(bar)
local leftGradient = bar.LeftGradient.ProgressBarImage.UIGradient
local rightGradient = bar.RightGradient.ProgressBarImage.UIGradient
local progress = bar.Progress
local angle = math.clamp((1 - value) * 360, 0, 360)
leftGradient.Rotation = math.clamp(angle, 180, 360)
rightGradient.Rotation = math.clamp(angle, 0, 180)
if value == 1 then
bar.Visible = false
and when the prompts button hold begins you make the bar visible again
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