How could I make a working lobby queue system like this?
Any tutorials will be helpful!
There’s quite a bit involved with this… try starting by googling party system tutorials on YouTube
use this UIListLayout | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
if you want get players on servers you can use messaging service
MessagingService to receive player count changes from existing servers. Save those changes in the experience you are publishing from for better results.
DataStoreService to keep those servers persistent.
TeleportService with ReserveServer to create then store the result into the DataStore you created.
I recommend keeping rapidly changing data such as player count in a separate DataStore, keeping the codes and other data (such as max player count) in a different one.
This will allow you to easily update the store with minimal complication from within the experience, instead of calling SetAsync from the starting place.
Many ways to accomplish this, but this is my way.
Another recommendation would be the use of non-persistent data such as MemoryStoreService for player count storage and updates, as it will change very often.
you can use messaging service if you want to make the queue work across many servers but if you want the queue Ui to be specific for server then all you need is tables
here is an example:
player clicks create button
a remote is sent to server
server receives remote and creates a table called party and adds the host to it
server sends a remote to other clients to create the Ui
player clicks on join
a remote is sent to server
the server adds the player to the party table
the server checks if the number of players in the table is 4
if yes then teleport the players in the table to another server using TeleportService and send a remote to all players to remove the gui and clear the party table to prevent memory leaks
if no then do nothing
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