How to make a ranking center (Game passes/Donations)

Hello Roblox scripters!

I have a question!

I’m the owner of a Roblox Group/Cafe and we are selling ranks as a donation, but the thing is that we don’t know how we can make a rank center and stuff. Could you help me? Here are a few things that we need there:

Basic Info

When a person/ player owns the game pass they have the ability to click on a button for a rank. If they click it, they get kicked and ranked in the group.
If they don’t own the game pass, they get a notification that they need to own the game pass.
It would be a plus if you can add that you can only be ranked once with every game pass.

I would like to have some feedback from you, you can always say or share the script in the replies!


If you know how to do this and if you are interested, you can always contact me on DIZZY: lucasssz#1687
And maybe we will buy your script or creation!

Thanks for reading this! :smiley:
And thank you a lot for the feedback! :slight_smile:

Its the wrong category, please put it in #collaboration:recruitment and the scripting category is not to ask for free scripts and here is a tutorial for this type of subject.


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