How to make a real-time account creation tracker?

Hello developers. I made this post to ask about how to make a real time updater that shows when a player creates an account. I don’t want the full script, I just want some sort of method. Thank you in advance.

(Sorry if I have worded this terribly)

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AccountAge returns in days how long ago the account was created.
For more specific how in seconds, I think a http request is needed, but I don’t know what it is.

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Is there some sort of event that I can use that fires whenever a account has been created using HttpService or something along those lines.

No, I think it’s impossible.

print(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name.." joined with the account age of "" days !")

This should helped…

Plus, this is a LocalScript.

Sorry, this is not what I was thinking of. I wanted an event to run when an account was created.

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It is possible to get the exact time down to 1/100th of a second but you would need a proxy to reroute the requests from the roblox API to the server because roblox doesn’t let you request from their own domain.

I don’t really need the exact time, I just want it somewhere around the time when an account was created. Do you know of the way to do this?

Alright, here is a function, you pass in a player instance and it returns the date as m/d/y

function getAccountDate(player)
	local ageSec = (player.AccountAge)*86400
	local createTime = os.time()-ageSec
	local date ="%x",createTime)
	return tostring(date)
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Thankyou, have a great day!!!

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