Someone please tell me how to make a tree like this.
His video was too quick though. I could understand the modeling part but the texturing was where I was lost.
Someone people send a concise tutorial on how to make a tree like this. This kind of tree is known in many realism games on ROBLOX. Please tell me how to make this with no vague descriptions.
Im only sure about the textuing not the weight paint sorry!
For getting your leaf:
Go to Edit at the top of your blender, then go to Add-Ons and search up Import Images As Planes and press the little check beside it, then press Shift + A and choose Images > Images As Plane then fine your leaf image in your folders
There is actually a really quick and easy built-in Blender add-on called Sapling Tree Gen. You can use it to create realistic trees, but be wary of the fact that often times your model will go over the tri-limit of 10000. You’ll need to adjust your tree gen settings to fit under that limit.
Then check “Add Curve: Sapling Tree Gen.”
Or if you can’t see it then you can search for it.
Next, after you’ve enabled it, make sure you’re in Object Mode. Then go to Add > Curve > Sapling Tree Gen.
A window in the bottom left will open up so that you can configure your new tree:
Warning: do not click anywhere other than the tree settings if you want to continue editing it. It closes out the tree gen settings and you’ll have to create a new tree at that point.
You can still move around with your camera though.
After you’re done with your tree you can export it to Roblox. Select the trunk of the tree in Object Mode and convert it to an actual mesh by doing Object > Convert to > Mesh from Curve
Then select the trunk, and export it as an FBX (while you’re exporting, you also need to check the “Selected Objects” option)
Then export the leaves, again as an FBX with “Selected Objects” ticked on.
When you import these into Roblox click no on the option to resize them, but click yes on the option to set it at its location data.