How to make a rigged tornado rotate

Currently I’m moving every bone by itself, but that causes this to happen:

If I just move the top bone, this happens:

How do I make it rotate correctly?
I’m trying to get shapes like this:

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I think you can do this by only moving and rotating the top and bottom bones no?
Just make sure you’re rotating them equally, but you can then move the bottom bone to make it have some life.

You could maybe use Motor 6d? It may not work for what you want however, id suggest looking into it!

That doesnt work, because the shape doesnt stay if i do that.

Probably change up the CFrame rotation from object space to world space stuff using :ToObjectSpace, what is the current code?

BTW, the result CFrame is different if you multiple CFrame1CFrame2 vs CFrame2CFrame 1 so try experimenting with this.