How to make a rules GUI

Hey all,
I have been working on a game recently, I wanted to display the rules on there and make It look nice, at the moment it looks like a big block of writing but I wanted to know if anyone can help me make this, I you want I can add you to the team create so that you can help.

Show what your current progress is so we know what we’re talking about.

Hello. You can add a scrolling frame so it isn’t all in one big block. Also, make sure the text is easy to see and matches the theme of the game. It would be great if you could show an example of how it looks right now.

I am not very sure on how to start a new line when I’m writing it,
I normally write my code in python so I tried \n but that didn’t work

I have the introduction for the players and the rules are written down, it just looks really messy

For your situation, I would suggest making a text box for every different rule. This would solve the problem of making new lines.

Only exception would be if a rule is long, then make the Y value of the size double and it should solve your issue.

Otherwise, unless you provide pictures of what you have/what you want there is not much more to say. Just make sure that it is clean because players won’t bother reading a long paragraph titled rules.

Basically, just don’t have big blocks of writing.
Just have ~10 words per rule.
Do not spawn camp vs Stay away from the enemies spawn, you are not allowed inside or very near it. If you violate this rule you can be respawned!

You get the point, keep them small so people can read it.


this will really help
ill try and give you guys credit in the game aswell