How to make a script without making a file using VS Code for Roblox Studio

The problem I am facing with Rojo is when I try to make a "$path" : "source/fileName" I have to make a file in visual studio which gives Roblox Studio a directory like, game/ServerScriptService/fileName/Script else It just makes another file named “ServerScriptService” and puts the script inside without putting it inside the actual ServerScriptService.

I want to bypass the file creation since I don’t want a file inside ServerScriptService except only Scripts.

I find your explanation quite vague. So the problem is that when you create a script file in Visual Studio Code, it places the file in a copy of the ancestor service, rather than the actual service right? For example, if you create a script in ServerScriptService, Rojo creates the script in another ServerScriptService.

I just want to clarify that Visual Studio is an IDE (not the text editor VS Code, which is the one that you use).

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I am sorry, This is quite complex and I am new to it. Your thoughts are absolutely right. It makes a copy instead of placing it inside the actual ServerScriptService if i don’t make a make a file inside it(by writing it inside the directory using VS Code)

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That sounds really strange. I have not had this issue before myself.

I do not quite get this. So you make a new file in VS Code, which gets placed in a duplicate ServerScriptService unless what exactly?

The line 22 is what I want to create.
This is what I got.

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I am a bit confused, cause mine looks quite different. Mine is automatically generated by the remodel package I think. Did you write your default.project.json yourself?

  "name": "StablePhysics",
  "tree": {
    "$className": "DataModel",
    "Lighting": {
      "$className": "Lighting",
      "$ignoreUnknownInstances": true,
      "$path": "src/Lighting"
    "ReplicatedStorage": {
      "$className": "ReplicatedStorage",
      "$ignoreUnknownInstances": true,
      "$path": "src/ReplicatedStorage"
    "ServerScriptService": {
      "$className": "ServerScriptService",
      "$ignoreUnknownInstances": true,
      "$path": "src/ServerScriptService"
    "StarterPlayer": {
      "$className": "StarterPlayer",
      "StarterPlayerScripts": {
        "$className": "StarterPlayerScripts",
        "$ignoreUnknownInstances": true,
        "$path": "src/StarterPlayer/StarterPlayerScripts"
      "$ignoreUnknownInstances": true
    "Workspace": {
      "$className": "Workspace",
      "$ignoreUnknownInstances": true,
      "$path": "src/Workspace"
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No I just made a Project Using the Ctrl+Shift+P and typing “Rojo Build Project” something after initalising it…

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I think that if you replace your "tree" configuration with mine, that it should work.

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yep, I think I have to make some files… but it works

Not sure what the workspace icon is doing with the ./src folder, but I am glad that it works. Maybe this is a bug in Rojo (incorrect default.project.json generated after running Rojo Build Project). I will check if this is the case and open an issue on GitHub if necessary.

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No, Don’t worry about the icons. It was a plugin :sweat_smile:

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