How to make a slam effect

I’m trying to make a couter that once hit teleports you behind the player and slams them into the ground but I cant seem to make it, I tried using body velocity and body position but I didn’t have much luck,
any help is much appreciated…

i dont like to bump my posts but I need help :sad:

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The slam already looks pretty convincing, i’m struggling to understand what you want to happen

The guy slowly falls down instead of being slammed into the ground

You could try cframing the target on their side, then throwing them down.

I think that setting player’s HumanoidRootPart’s Velocity to,-50000,0) would do.

when you tried using bodymovers, what did that setup look like: what was done on client/server and what parts were they in?

I used a BodyVelocity, set it to 0,-math.huge,0 and increased its force but it didnt do much of a difference since the player is ragdolled

You set the velocity to 0,-math.huge,0 ? or the max force?
Was this done on the client or server?
What part was the bodyvelocity in?

Sorry I meant I set the Velocity to,-100,0) and the max force to the math.huge thing, This was handled on the server and it was parented to the player’s humanoidrootpart

Try doing the same but parent it to the torso.
My thinking is that because you are ragdolled - putting the bodymover inside the root part didn’t rigidly move the torso, as it kinda trailed behind the root part.

I’ll try that tomorrow, It’s very late where I’m at, thanks for the help tho!

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Hey, does it helped you? If not have you found a solution?