How to make a smooth, parabolic motion for this cannon I'm making?

Currently working on a cannon that allows Player1 to target Player2, who is in a minigame round, while Player1 is in the lobby. I want to make it so that the movement of the projectile from the cannon is smooth and “realistic,” based on how far the Player2 is from the cannon.
Here’s a visual of the movement I’d like:

Now, this cannonball path would change greatly based on where Player2 is located, and, more importantly, the height of the cannonball would increase, to make sure the cannonball doesn’t phase through other players, on the way to Player2.

One way of doing this that I have thought would work, but not look the best, would be to use RocketPropulsion/LineForce, to have the cannonball fire, have it get to a central point above the game area, and when once it reaches that, have the cannonball move to the player, like shown here:

How would I do this? I’m thinking of just taking the RocketPropuslion/LineForce route, but I don’t think it would be really aesthetically pleasing.

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