How to make a smooth UI

Hey everyone! So I am making a obby but I have a problem I know that UI is a big part of a game and a game needs to have good UI in order for players especially younger children to enjoy the game. So what I am trying to achieve is a UI transition like something in ninja legends however I do not know how to make such a smooth pop up this is my current code and children within the StarterGui section:

  • Screen GUI

  • Frame within the screen GUI

  • A Button within the screen GUI

  • And 1 local script in the ScreenGUI

script.Parent.Frame.Visible = false

script.Parent.Frame.Visible = true



i actually dont know what animatoin is in ninja legends i didnt play that game but i use TweenService for animating.

script.parent.frame.Visible = true

for beginners you can use GUI:TweenPositions
or TweenSizes

Edit: There is nothing that based on tweenservice.


I know what tweenservice is but I don’t want it to be a transition across X and Y I want it to be a smooth Pop Up anyway thanks for your help

Idk what you mean by smooth ui can you send screenshot on what you wanna get?

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Sorry I can’t find any examples maybe other people will understand

Do you want your gui to have rounded corners??

Yes that would be nice but rn my main priority is to make a smooth pop up

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They have GUI plugins lemee go get the link

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Roundify helped so much thank you for introducing me to this wonderful plugin

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Roblox has rounded corners built-in already → UICorner.


to make a smooth fade in, do this:

local UI = script.Parent.Frame

    for i = 0,1 do
        UI.BackgroundTransparency = i
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Script doesn’t work you just reworded my already existing script anyway thanks for the help

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I am pretty sure you have to put it in a local script. Not a script if that’s what your using

Ha I may be a beginner scripter but I am not that dumb rest assured I used a local script