How to make a "Speed Blur"?

Hello, i’ve been wondering how to make a type of “Blur” show up when my game’s vehicle is going too fast, however, i don’t even know the NAME of this type of blur , at start i thought it was “motion blur”, but it isn’t, motion blur is different. I’m trying to make something like this:

The image above is from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - Original Version from 2004

Yes, I know it isn’t really a Blur… Anyways, i’m not sure how to make an effect like that, however, i’m pretty confident that the only way to make this effect is using a Viewport frame and then throw a transparency on it. My biggest question is how to make the viewport slowly appear as you get faster and faster, If anyone knows, please answer below, Goodbye!


Maybe you want Depth of Field

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Although I know this Is a very VERY old post, I want to clear it up and help anyone who wants to create such an effect.

First off, what do you need?

  • Well obviously, a vehicle system, I recommend using A-Chassis Tune, as It’s easy to use and work with (Atleast for me), or create your own.

Now how do you create the effect?

  • You will need to create a LocalScript, and have a script that parents the LocalScript to your PlayerGUI, whenever you enter the car. (NOTE: There are better ways to Implement the script, I’ve just done this because I was lazy)

  • In the LocalScript you can paste this code I’ve used for my own car system. You’ll obviously have to tweak a few things In the script such as the variables. But that Is kind of all you’ll have to tweak.

local Car = game.Workspace.CarFolder:FindFirstChild("Your car's name") 
--Make sure It's where your car Is parented, and your car model's name.

local DriveSeat = Car:WaitForChild("DriveSeat")
--Make sure your car has a DriveSeat

local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

local OldFieldOfView = Camera.FieldOfView

local SpeedBlur = game.Lighting.CarSpeedBlur 
--Make sure you have the Blur In Lighting


Camera.FieldOfView = OldFieldOfView

SpeedBlur.Size = 0



Camera.FieldOfView = OldFieldOfView + DriveSeat.Velocity.magnitude / 4

SpeedBlur.Size = DriveSeat.Velocity.magnitude / 24


The result should look the same as In the video (Aside from the camera tilting and other stuff). Due to my lack of knowledge, I can’t make it have the same exact effect, but It’s quite similar to what you were trying to achieve.


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