Hello, i’ve been wondering how to make a type of “Blur” show up when my game’s vehicle is going too fast, however, i don’t even know the NAME of this type of blur , at start i thought it was “motion blur”, but it isn’t, motion blur is different. I’m trying to make something like this:
The image above is from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - Original Version from 2004
Yes, I know it isn’t really a Blur… Anyways, i’m not sure how to make an effect like that, however, i’m pretty confident that the only way to make this effect is using a Viewport frame and then throw a transparency on it. My biggest question is how to make the viewport slowly appear as you get faster and faster, If anyone knows, please answer below, Goodbye!
Although I know this Is a very VERY old post, I want to clear it up and help anyone who wants to create such an effect.
First off, what do you need?
Well obviously, a vehicle system, I recommend using A-Chassis Tune, as It’s easy to use and work with (Atleast for me), or create your own.
Now how do you create the effect?
You will need to create a LocalScript, and have a script that parents the LocalScript to your PlayerGUI, whenever you enter the car. (NOTE: There are better ways to Implement the script, I’ve just done this because I was lazy)
In the LocalScript you can paste this code I’ve used for my own car system. You’ll obviously have to tweak a few things In the script such as the variables. But that Is kind of all you’ll have to tweak.
local Car = game.Workspace.CarFolder:FindFirstChild("Your car's name")
--Make sure It's where your car Is parented, and your car model's name.
local DriveSeat = Car:WaitForChild("DriveSeat")
--Make sure your car has a DriveSeat
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local OldFieldOfView = Camera.FieldOfView
local SpeedBlur = game.Lighting.CarSpeedBlur
--Make sure you have the Blur In Lighting
Camera.FieldOfView = OldFieldOfView
SpeedBlur.Size = 0
Camera.FieldOfView = OldFieldOfView + DriveSeat.Velocity.magnitude / 4
SpeedBlur.Size = DriveSeat.Velocity.magnitude / 24
The result should look the same as In the video (Aside from the camera tilting and other stuff). Due to my lack of knowledge, I can’t make it have the same exact effect, but It’s quite similar to what you were trying to achieve.