How to make a sword only damage when used and not when touched with other players or npc

Hello Robloxians,
I am making a game in roblox using swords, I made my own sword before but noticed one problem that it is damage players when not used, so I decided to use Roblox classic sword to test and edit but experienced same problem again.

Can anyone tell me how do I make this sword work in that way? I have tried to look for solutions but none of them help much.

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This is pretty easy, just start a sword.Touched connection whenever the tool is used and add all parts that are touched by the sword to a table. After the attack animation is done, disconnect the sword.Touched connection and apply the damage if there is a player part in the table of touched parts.

Do you understand?

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Did you try to use Raycast Hitbox 4.01 for your weapons? It allowes weapons hitbox to do damage only when activated, so it may help you out.

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Here is a code example:

local touchedConnection
local attackLenght = 1 --1 second is the duration of the attack
local damage = 20 -- 20 health removed when hit
local sword = script.Parent -- change this to whatever the blade part is
function attack()
    local hitHumanoids = {}
    touchedConnection = sword.Touched:Connect(function(part)
        local humanoid = part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
        local canHit = true
        if humanoid then
            for i,v in pairs(hitHumanoids) do
                if v == humanoid
                    canHit = false
            if canHit then

This code will basically check if the blade touches a player, apply the damage and put him in a blacklist so the player doesnt get the damage twice.


Hey thanks for helping! I tried this but it doesn’t seem to be working :frowning:

Sounds great but I don’t want to use any extra resources but thanks for giving me the hitbox idea!