Hi there,
I am looking at moving onto the new chat system made by Roblox, but before I make this move, I am looking at the new way to make a system chat message. Currently, I have in-game chat tags sorted, but how do I make chat messages?
This is how I used to do it, but this no longer works:
game.StarterGui:SetCore( "ChatMakeSystemMessage", { Text = "Welcome!", Color = Color3.fromRGB( 255,0,0 ), Font = Enum.Font.Arial } )
Took me a bit to figure it out but I found the :DisplaySystemMessage() event in the documentation link. Didn’t know exactly what to call it on but after a bit I figured out you just call it on one of the TextChannels in the TextChannels folder which is under the TextChatService in explorer. There’s 2 TextChannels that roblox makes when the CreateDefaultTextChannels property is enabled under TextChatService, RBXGeneral and RBXSystem.
About to try to set up some chat tags for Owner, V.I.P, etc. Wish me luck lol
I made a death text system with a range of different colors. I’ve scripted a function where it converts Color3 to RGB String for HTML formatting. This was really helpfull for my project!