How to make a table inside a script by using command bar?

What I want to achieve?

I want to create such a table inside my script by using command bar, because it takes too much time to do it manually.

local waves = {
	[1] = {

	[2] = {

	[3] = {

	[4] = {

	[5] = {

	[6] = {

	[7] = {

	[8] = {

	[9] = {

	[10] = {


Like so, but I don’t know how to use it in command bar:

for i = 1, 40 do
	waves[i] = {


if the table are empty, why use the command bar buddy, when you can just generate a stack of empty table and then create a a function to furnish them …

I wanna fill it manually with various info but I don’t want to do repeatable actions again and again

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are the various info random ?.. i mean if you can generate it, do it… otherwise your only solution is CTRL-C/CTRL-V my friend

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This table is tower defense config. Number are waves. I want to create wave numbers with {} (Like templates) and then fill it manually (not random)

if you don’t have a precise algorithm for your tower defense wave management, I’m afraid you’ll need to do that manually.

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But now that I think of it, If you used Rojo, you could do it in a windows Terminal to fill the file and automatically sync with roblox Studio

link to Rojo Doc

I work in Roblox studio, not Rojo. Seems like only Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V will help

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Do you mean automatically writing your table in Lua(u) format? You will have to write something up to generate that for you. Here is an example that allows you to copy-paste a generated template directly from the Roblox Studio output window:


local function generate<T>(amount: number, value: T): string
	assert(typeof(value) == "table")
	local s: string = `\{`
	for index: number = 1, amount do
		s ..= `\n\t[{index}] = \{`
		for key: any, value: any in value do
			s ..= `\n\t\t["{key}"] = {if typeof(value) ~= "string" then value else `"{value}"`},`
		s ..= "\n\t},"
	return s .. "\n}"

print("\n", generate(3, {
	Name = "Name",
	Description = "Description",
	Cost = 100


Pasting this entire table inside Studio’s script editor should automatically indent for you, so in reality, you don’t need to add indentations. I just did for visualization purposes.

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I mean, you could try using HTTPService:JSONEncode() and HTTPService:JSONDecode() to change the value of a StringValue. Can’t change a table in a ModuleScript.