local instances = {}
instances["data"] = {}
instances["data"]["BrickColor"] = part.BrickColor
or you can use
instances[#instances+1] = {} -- Data in here
I tested this little test code out and it runs fine.
Is this functional tho? (incase I’m doing something wrong and registers the same thing over and over)
local instances = {}
for i = 1,10 do
instances["Frame"..i] = {}
table.insert(instances["Frame"..i], game.Workspace.Baseplate)
print(instances["Frame"..i][1].Name.." ("..i..")")
Yeah, I know. Let me try configuring it a bit to give it more complexity.
To explain it a bit more, I’m trying to make a replay module - so I’m trying to get every frame from RenderStepped to create tables for each individual part along with its properties.
Okay, so. I’m using this little experiment code to see if it would print out stuff properly, but I landed on an error - “Line 10: attempt to call a number value”
local instances = {}
for i = 1,10 do
instances["Frame"..i] = {}
table.insert(instances["Frame"..i], game.Workspace.Baseplate.Transparency)
game.Workspace.Baseplate.Transparency = game.Workspace.Baseplate.Transparency + 0.1
for i = 1,10 do
print(instances["Frame"..i][1]" (frame "..i..")")