How to make a timed interval loop on the server?

I’m looking for a way to create a loop that will run once a second. The issue is that I need to make sure there is no time distortion based on anything like lag.
I also need it to run in a server script.

Is using a while wait(1) do time accurate no matter what? If it isn’t, is there some other way to continuously loop in a precise time interval?

Thank you!

Maybe something like this might have a little less delay than the built-in wait() function but I wouldn’t really worry about it unless you can notice that there is a delay.

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
wait(5) --wait until the game is loaded

local function wait(t)
	local w = 0
		local p = RunService.Heartbeat:Wait()
		w += p
	until w > t

local t = os.clock()


print(os.clock() - t) --> 1.001 / 0.998... 

built-in wait()

wait(5) --wait until the game is loaded

local t = os.clock()


print(os.clock() - t) --> 1.016...

Hey, @GEILER123456
I said I wanted this to run on the server, I can’t use RunService on the server though.

You can use the RunService.Heartbeat event on the server. It basically fires every frame after the physics simulations.

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