How to make a toggle debug mode similar to fighting games where it shows the hitbox of attack

when the m1 is triggered the hitbox will appear and when other player has the debug mode on
how is the other player gonna see the hitbox that first player created. thats the main problem im experiencing

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I don’t think I’m understanding! Would you please elaborate on what you are trying to do and what the issue is? And what exactly is a toggle debug?

you know how some games like combat warriors have a debug mode where if its toggled on the hitboxes of melee of other players and yourself is gonna be shown. thats what i trying to implement. i dont want a specific case of some hitbox module. just imagine the hitbox has a property “Visualizer” which makes the hitbox be visible or not. so if i try using local script and making visualizer true when the punch is triggered it wont affect other hitboxes of other players that are using punch, their hitbox would be invisible. how do i make visualizer not only visualize the player’s hitbox but other player’s too

You can use a for loop to loop through all the players in the players service. Then using Player.Character, it will give you the character of the player (the model). You can use local part transparency to change it for the client! I’m not to good at using local part transparency so I’m not sure if it would work. Let me know if something goes wrong!

that doesnt make sense. thats not what im asking to do.

Sorry that I couldn’t be of help! I’m not really understanding!