How to make a tween start with an already moving part

Hello everyone!

I am trying to tween an part to certain points at different speeds. Here is what I am trying to achieve:

  • Part tweens to TweenPart2 - Slow Speed.
  • Part tweens to TweenPart3 - Faster speed.
  • Part tweens to TweenPart2 - Very Fast speed.
  • Part tweens to TweenPart1 - Slow Speed.

This is all very very simple with TweenService but I am running into an issue that I cannot solve. I want to have a smooth acceleration speed from when the Part tweens from TweenPart2 to TweenPart3. And I know I can use different EasingStyles but it does not get me the results I want. When I do that it brings the Part to a complete stop at TweenPart2 when I want it to carry on straight through at a constant speed then accelerate.

I am not sure how well others will be able to read and understand my small explanation above so I have attached a video below of what it looks like now and will leave some short notes with that video.


  • The Part stops for a short second at the highest TweenPart visible in the video. (TweenPart2). I want it to carry on straight through at a constant speed then accelerate. To a faster speed to reach TweenPart3 which is not visible in the video.

Hope someone can help me. Thanks :slight_smile:

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You get to a point where maybe tweens aren’t for you, check out CFrame lerping, it has much more control then tweens (although admittedly is harder to wrap around).

Alright I will have a look at that! Thanks for telling me :slight_smile:

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