How to make a ui object such as textlabel appear anywhere on screen

How to make a ui object such as textlabel appear anywhere on screen

Like in simulators

Put this local script inside of the label:

local label = script.Parent

label.Position = UDim2.fromScale(math.random(0,50), math.random(0,50))

You can change label.Position to position)

I would recommend using scale instead.

local label = script.Parent

label.Position =, 100)/100-label.Size.X.Offset, label.Size.X.Offset, 0, 0)
--Replace Y with anything u want

what would happen if i increased 50 to 100 or something

Don’t do the above methods, they use math.random with an argument!

--When the label spawns:
label.Position = UDim2.fromScale(math.random(), math.random())
--This will place it randomly anywhere on the screen.

If you want it to only cover the bottom half of the screen:

--When the label spawns:
label.Position = UDim2.fromScale(math.random(), (math.random()/2)+0.5)
--This will place it randomly anywhere on the bottom half of the screen.