How To Make A Very Basic Sandbox Tycoon System!

A few weeks ago I made a video talking about how to make a very easy and simple sandbox tycoon placement system that requires little math or coding!

The code comes out to be around 90 lines long.

Anyways, how it works is through a grid system. By that I mean 3x1x3 parts put together to form a square. You then simply place the model ontop of the part the mouse is looking at. See! Extremely simple! The models can come off the grid however if the model’s hitbox is greater then 3x1x3. This system surprisingly does not lag at all and works just like an advanced grid system!

Anyways, heres the video!

Thanks for reading have a great day! :slight_smile:


Any feedback is greatly appreciated! :smiley:

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I just saw this, and it was perfect for a game my dev team is working on!

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It should be able to? You would need to put it on the server after placing it.

It’s a group of people you work with, or in my case lead. They are usually formed because someone wants to build a game, but they can only build or script. I can only build, so I hired a scripter, UI designer, another builder, and a GFX artist

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