How to make a VHS effect (Including colours)


I’m making a game and i want to add a VHS effect that runs in real time. I’ve been looking for how people have done it but they all seem to be private. I don’t know how to make the colours look like the ones with VHS effects nor how to make the glitchy stripes that occur sometimes. I’m making a game where you are inside a dream so i want to make it look like you are dreaming with visual effects. VHS without the glitchy stripes would look amazing for what I want to achieve but I have no clue how people do it.


I guess you could have the pitch just change randomly at random times.

Also this probably belongs in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support

What do you mean with pitch? Also this is visual effects, with lighting and stuff and less scripting so why does it belong at scripting support?

Oh wait I didn’t read the including colours part lol,
well it belongs in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support because, AFAIK, Roblox doesn’t provide these as a preset thingy, so you’d have to use scripts to do it.

So you want to add a shader to make glitchy tears? Pretty sure shaders are not a thing in normal roblox at least

make a imagelabel and insert a local script into it. Change the ImageTransparency to 0.94 and BackgroundTransparency to 1.

local vhs = script.Parent

local StaticImages = {
while wait(0.1) do
script.Parent.Image =  StaticImages[math.random(1, #StaticImages)]
	vhs.Image = StaticImages[math.random(1, #StaticImages)]
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