Hey there All,
I wanted to make a wobbly platform like the ones you see in JTOH. but I have no idea how to, because I’m not very good with things like constraints or springs.
I’ve also searched throughout the internet but couldn’t find much,
this is an example of what I would want it to look like:

Thanks a lot!
i believe you need to use RopeConstraints and Attachments then connect the anchored part (the 1x1 block on the top) and connect it to the unanchored platform (the bottom part).
it looks like this when I press play though, and it doesnt wobble

here is my layout, i think i might’ve done something wrong.

did you already connect ropeconstraint to the attachments?
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uuuh that’s weird
did you unanchor the platform? are you sure both attachments are in correct places?
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so i tested it myself with the correct arrangement as yours
without another part ontop of it (in run mode):

with part ontop of it (it fell quickly so i couldn’t get a proper screenshot)

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can i see your layout for it? __________
it’s the exact same as yours.
all i did was create 1 attachment parented in both part, have the bottom part (the part you want to wobble) unanchored and connect the ropeconstraint to both attachments and you’re ready to go.
thats weird, its still not working for me cause the bottom part is acting like its anchored when its not
mind showing me the explorer
ignore: sdighdfihsdf
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i meant the supposedly “wobbly” part’s properties
uh that’s weird.
i’ll just send you a rbx file of my wobbly platform
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here you go
wobbly platform.rbxm (4.7 KB)
right click on workspace and click “Insert from File” then select this.
(make sure the character or any part ontop of the platform isn’t Massless, i forgot to mention this a while ago)
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also btw is there anyway to make it so the rope is more sensitive to the weight on it? like how muhc it wobbles
i don’t know about that but refer to this
add some springs to one of the parts, to another part , to the rope attachment…
you could also script it to toggle the winch on and off, and or script to change the length of the rope…
could have the script be enable on touch of a fake part…
or you could put the platform on top of a ball and have a some other parts as barriers , do custom collision …
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