Hello! I am trying to make a you where killed by thing. Could anyone give me suggestions or tips? (I am not asking for entire scripts, just help.) Thanks
Maybe fire a remove event/function?
How would you show the person who killed you and a camera showing them?
Viewport frames could help you out.
I’d recommend reading the Changing Players Camera article on the Developer Hub
What would I do then??? (30)
To get the players Avatar simply use the Players:GetUseThumbnailAsync() function. As for identifying who killed the player you would need to use RayCasting and see if the ray hits a player character. After simply send a event to the player telling who fired the shot.
Raycasting. You serious?
It’s really easier than that. It really is, trust me.
Actually for identifying who killed the player you just need a simple value/thing that the killer gives to those who he is attacking and then check who is the killer by using it.
But I am using a r6 gun how do you make it work on any other weapon.