How to make accessories rotate properly on dummies

I have a script that inserts an accessory on a dummy (server side) and it attaches fine but the rotation does not.
Specifically this back accessory: Golden Scythe - Roblox
I have tried manually welding but that didnt work either so can I have some help?

Can we see a gif/video of what happens when the dummy rotates, as well as the accessory script so we know what exactly happens?

The dummy doesnt rotate, but the accessory is rotated wrong when put on, it goes throught the humanoids torso
The script is literally just


Anyway, I am now using a different method

Have you created an attachment which has been parented to accessory’s handle part? If not, it’ll have issues like the one you stated.

In case you haven’t created an attachment, the properties for specifically the Golden Scythe are:
Orientation: 0, 180, -39.326
Position: -0.3, 0.1, 0.173

If this still doesn’t work, then I’m not really sure how you’d go about doing this.