How to make advanced AI

How do I create advanced AI?

I am trying to make a Horror Game. I want to do a “Mimic” type game.
One problem, I need help on it being able to go around walls.

When you are in a specific radius of the creature, you will be chased.
When you make sharp turns, it’ll still be on the move.
But if you are far enough you can lose him.


I am a new scripter so I may not get the terms that you use to me.

Open up toolbox, filter to only get Roblox models and search for Drooling Zombie. Inside that model is a really good AI that you can adapt to your needs.

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This is a tutorial that shows you how to make an advanced AI with basic fundamentals that make an AI “good”.

For the whole “leaving the target” when too far" requires some pretty good knowledge about Magnitudes, For loops, and general scripting experience.

I would give you some code, but I’m busy right now.


I tried a couple of free models and layer it on the script but it wasn’t really enough

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Ight I’ll go check it out, thanks.

Its line of sight is really small and its bugging me a bit lol

Trying changing some of the Configuration options in the configuration folder


Ight thanks it works now! Changed the field of view

Alright making advanced AI like game The Mimic is kinda hard tho. You need to learn how pathfinding works and all the stuffs.

I recommend for you to look on social media find some tutorial on how to make AI. Then, after you got some a bit understanding on pathfinding, try to use free model and look at the code. Understand them how they works.

Then you just need to learn learn and learn until you confident enough to make a Advanced AI like The Mimic

So good luck.

To make something exactly like the mimic is pretty hard lol. think I’m just going to do the zombie thingy since its much easier. Might make a post later asking for tips in game development. Thanks for the luck!

DevForum has some pretty cool people :+1:

Oh wait i didn’t fully read your question lol. Actually there is a tutorial on how to make it like that. Maybe try to search on YouTube?

yeah lol I did it.
I might just recruit a team to help me script the zombie ai.
I want something smoother, not something that stops when it goes to the directed path.

Sadly, you aren’t going to get anything remotely as advanced as Mimic’s AI in the Toolbox. If you wan’t to make one that’s pretty good, you’d have to actually script it from scratch.

Here’s some tips you should take in mind whenever you’re making AI.

  • Don’t just rely on Pathfinding itself when moving to target, you should use raycasts and repeatedly move the humanoid to make the movement smoother when the monster can see the target.
  • Set the NetworkOwner to nil (the server), because without manually setting the NetworkOwner to the server, it will set it to the player who is the nearest, which leads to very janky movement.
  • Large rigs can lead to making your Pathfinding fail, because Pathfinding accounts for the height between the monster and the player. So it’s a good idea to position the HumanoidRootPart lower (whenever the rig is tall or massive)

Ight thanks for the information!
Once I get to know the names of all the stuff in Roblox Studio I’ll come back to this message and learn more about the AI finding.

I see that you know alot about AI.
Do you do paid? If so, PayPal or Robux?
Or percentages from the game?

I do commissions, and the payment I accept is Robux.

We can talk about this in dizzy. (Downrest-6466)


Ight bet, how much are the prices?

Just for like some smoother AI for my creature