How to make AlignOrientation turn in multiple axes at once?

I have an AlignOrientation in oneattachment mode that is mostly working. However, it moves solely in the primary axis first, and once it is pointing towards the target in the primary axis, it then begins to turn towards the secondary axis. I want it to turn in both axes simultaneously instead.

I’ve tried the same thing by replacing the AlignOrientation with a BodyGyro, and it worked, but since BodyGyro and the other BodyMovers are deprecated, I’d like to avoid using it and stick with AlignOrientation.

I’ve been looking for an answer for a while but haven’t found anyone else with the same issue.

If anyone could help me that would be amazing.

Hello. Can you be more specific with how you’re going about this by providing the script and the properties of AlignOrientation?

x = script.Parent.Torso.YawNRoll
Pilot = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(script.Parent)
AFM = game.ReplicatedStorage.AskForMouse
function changeorient(Player, mousehit)
	if Player == Pilot then
		x.CFrame = mousehit

This is the code. It works fine and the AlignOrientation is receiving the correct CFrame, it’s just getting there in a weird and clunky way which hurts gameplay.

PrimaryAxisOnly, ReactionTorque, and RigidityEnabled are all false.

MaxAngularVelocity is inf, maxtorque is 10000, and responsiveness is 10.

The Primary Axis is the Y axis and the secondary axis is the X axis.

If you’re spaming that remoteEvent I’m sure it’ll cause a memory leak also have you tried tweenservice?

It isn’t being spammed, the event is only fired when the mouse is moved (because that’s really the only time it needs to be fired)

I have not tried tweenservice, will it get the thing to rotate in both axes?

And more importantly, how will I get it to point to the mouse using mouse.hit?