How to make all players dance?

Hey, I’m trying to make every single player dance at the same time. I copied someone else’s script, but it doesn’t work as I want it to since it was made in a local script. I changed some stuff in it without luck. Any help is appreciated! Right now I’m getting the error: “attempt to index nil with 'WaitForChild” when running the script.

local emote = Animation -- replace emote with the name of the emote
local btn = script.Parent
local plr = game.Players:GetChildren()
local char = plr.Character
local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid",10)
local CanEmote = true
local CoolDown = 1
	if CanEmote == true then
		CanEmote = false
		local dance = hum:LoadAnimation(script:FindFirstChild(emote))
		wait(CoolDown + dance.Length)
		CanEmote = true

game.Players:GetChildren() is a list, not an Instance. To get all player instances, you need to do a pairs loop.

for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
     -- code

it doesn’t work as I want it to since it was made in a local script

This is something normal because animations can be played only by local scripts (alternatively I’m dumb but I’ve never found someone playing animations on a server script)
Make a local script with the animation, on a server script use RemoteEvent and FireAllClients() to play the animation on everyone.

Will players then be able to see others dance aswell?

Yes, even if played by a local script. Local scripts aren’t 100% local.
An explanation of animation replication is here: Animation

I made this script but now I get the error: “Argument 1 missing or nil”. (This is on the line where it says ‘local dance’) @Spiderr12PL

	for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
		local emote = cool
		local plr = v
		local char = plr.Character
		local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid",10)
		local CanEmote = true
		if CanEmote == true then
			CanEmote = false
			local dance = hum:LoadAnimation(script:FindFirstChild(emote))
			CanEmote = true

Change it to: script:WaitForChild(emote)
Also playing the animation on only LocalPlayer’s character in one local script per client should be enough because server will fire the event to each client.

Alright so I changed the script a lil bit, and now I managed to get no errors at all. But my player won’t play the animation and I don’t know why. I read somewhere I have to put the animation priority up, but I don’t know where I am supposed to do that.

		local emote =
		local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
		local char = plr.Character
		local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid",10)
		local CanEmote = true
		if CanEmote == true then
			CanEmote = false
			local dance = hum:LoadAnimation(emote)
			CanEmote = true
  1. Go to Plugins
  2. Place a Dummy
  3. Open Animation Editor plugin
  4. Click on the Dummy
  5. Using the plugin load the animation
  6. Find “…” next to animation’s name
  7. Set animation priority to “Action”
  8. Save the animation

How do I load the animation into the plugin? I’m trying to get the players to floss. This is the animation: Floss Dance - Roblox

It’s not an animation, but an asset. It is possible to get the animation from it. I pasted it to the Roblox Studio command bar to get the animation ID:
local id = '3823158750'; local is = game:GetService('InsertService'); print(is:LoadAsset(5917570207):FindFirstChildOfClass'Animation'.AnimationId)
Animartion ID: 5917459365