How to make an 2d game

So i thinked of doing an 2d game, like that one indie games on “gamejolt”

like this:

How i can do these?

Could you provide a video/gameplay of an example of what you mean? I did a quick search and found out “Game Jolt” is a social community platform in where you can upload already made games of your own, also there isn’t anything relevant of the game you suggested.

like this ones

Here’s an open source game which only makes use of 2D movement (X & Y).

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I should’be more specific but thats not the 2d game i am reffering to, sorry but thanks for the help anyways

Are you trying to make a game which doesn’t make use of the player’s avatar?

If so this other open source game might be more catered towards your needs.

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Exactly, i already putted an reference on the beginning of the post, And yes, i’ll try that, thanks!

I like, how the description still says "millions of unique, user-generated 3D experiences.

You could try making a pixel screen and just loading individual colours into each pixel but that may be tedious.

i noticed the game is not Fully “2D”, since most of the things are 3D

To start you off you’ll need the following:

local players = game:GetService("Players")

	player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(character, player)
		local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
		humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
		humanoid.JumpPower = 0

This will prevent the player’s character from moving, to achieve the rest you’ll need to start by inserting a ScreenGui instance parented to the StarterGui folder.

Not too sure but I’m making a 2D game and for the charactermodel I just made the 3D parts transparent and used BillboardGuis in the Torso instead. So it can also be 2D if the textures aren’t and the moving things are billboard uis. Even if its technically 3D