How To Make An Account Age Limit

#1 Do You Need To Make An Account Age Limit

An account age limit can be a positive addition but it can also come with some negative effects also. Adding an account age limit to your game may be a good idea if your game is a competitive one for example Phantom Forces, Arsenal, Dahood, and Infamacy. But if your game is, for example, a tycoon game or a simulator. Games of those types might not benefit from an account age limit as those types of games do not fall in the competitive category.

#2 Why Should You Add An Account Age Limit

Adding an account age limit as I said can have benefits these benefits are really strong ones. Some of the benefits that an account age limit can yield are fewer hackers and an account age limit can pretty much omit spam accounts in your game. Account age limits have prevented hackers in so many scenarios as many hackers make new burner accounts to hack inside of your game as they would not want to put their main account at risk. But an argument to account age limits is that it can prevent many new Roblox users from entering your game on the Roblox platform but hackers can lead to a loss in players as many users might be frustrated that there are hackers in your game. If there is a remote event security issue in your game some hackers can crash entire servers if you want to learn more on how to secure these remote events check out this article: [How To Prevent Exploiters / Cheaters Properly)

#3 How To Make An Account Age Limit

So if you still stuck around you might want to learn how to implement an account age limit inside of your game on the Roblox platform. I will go over this right now.

local MinAge = 5 -- Set This Value To The Min Age In Days You Desire 

local KickMsg = "Your account needs to be atleast 5 days old to play" -- In The Quotation marks you can set the message the player gets when they are under the Minimum account age to play.

game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(PLR) -- The code in the function is ran when a player joins the game.

	if PLR.AccountAge < MinAge then -- This code checks if the player's account is old enough to play.

		PLR:Kick(KickMsg) -- This code removes the player from the game if their account is not old enough to play.



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Account age limits are not a solution to any problem in any experience regardless. If there’s a problem such as exploiting you should either be looking to patch out that exploit or mitigate its effect. Roblox at one point discouraged using account age limits as well, not officially but not unofficially either.

Exploiters have accounts that are old enough to bypass most age limits. Using an age limiter to reduce the amount of exploiters in an experience comes under the assumption that exploiters make new accounts on the spot before joining but that’s far from realistic. You’re going to restrict more genuine new users than you will exploiter accounts.

I would never endorse anyone to restrict their experience to a certain age limit except for making use of official systems such as the content rating system that Roblox is working on and that’s strictly for content appropriateness, not for attempting to prevent something.


Are you saying that people who have played the game the longest should get more benefits the newest players?


si eso mismo por que ya an jugado ya saben todo lo del juego pero los nuevos no


sĂ­, eso serĂ­a algo genial en un juego @perrosodiaco


That would be too complicated to implement into my game, but its a good idea for others who want to use it :+1:


Igual gracias por tomar en cuenta mi opiniĂłn

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No, what I am saying is that to prevent hackers you should add an account age limit for people that desire to play. If you read the article more you would know this.

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Bro esto es para evitar que los piratas informáticos se unan a su juego, esto verifica la edad de su cuenta y luego patea al jugador si su cuenta no es lo suficientemente antigua como para jugar.

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Your point is completely true. The best way to prevent exploiters is to make code patches to do so. But account age limits can yield benefit no matter what also I said that there was benefits and disadvantages.


I am talking about an account age limit you should understand that if you read the entire article. Don’t make a reply if you did not read the article fully.


Sorry, my mistake :happy3:. I don’t understand, yes, I understand now. I thought this script was for minors, it turns out this script is for how old players are in roblox. For this I quite agree because Roblox hackers/exploiters are usually players who create alt accounts. But there are also hackers/exploiters who have been on roblox for a long time. I suggest for that problem by monitoring your game maybe you can monitor your game quite often.

Keep it Up!! :wink:


Thanks for reading bro. Also dude it is easy to not really understand the doc as I was tired in school when I made it LOL


I knew what the tutorial was about. I was simply replying to @perrosodiaco 's message. So relax.


I am sorry for that bro I did not really know that you were that is my bad for sure.


It’s fine. Perro was suggesting an idea, and I was just clarifying.

Nice tutorial btw


Thanks bro also thank you for doing that!

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Yeah, i agree with you, Definetly this is a way to reduce, hackers in your game, also Gracias! :wink:

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Limiting your audience to people who have been on this platform for longer is a bad way to remove exploiters.

Yes. Exploiters have alt accounts that are probably old.
But so do I (kind of) and a lot of other dedicated players.

This is only a band aid solution (and not a good band aid solution) to your issue. Exploiters can just create a brand new account, and now you still have exploiters in your game and players which cannot play your game.

If you want to get rid of exploiters, consider server sided anti cheats and lots of sanity checks.

I would not reccomend this solution to anyone.


I agree with this but age limits help restrict alt accounts for being used especially when exploiters use alts to not get their main banned. But this is all the developers choice to keep their game safe.

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