I’m trying to make an K/D leaderboard on my own, and I’ve watched many videos, however none of them are working. I have some Custom weapons that do have a place for a script that may help with the K/D leaderboard.
ya pretty much gotta just do arithmetic inside the gun for the kills on the leaderboard each time someone is killed.
im sure theres a function in most weapons that handles the killing that you can do that.
also about the deaths, just use humanoid.Died to commit arithmetic
With most guns in roblox, on kill a creator ObjectValue is created inside of the recently passed humanoid. This allowed with the .Died event can be formed to created a working Kills and Death leaderstats system
A script using this method
local Players = game:GetService('Players')
Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) -- when the player joins
local leaderstats = Instance.new('Folder') -- create a folder tohold the stats
leaderstats.Name = 'leaderstats' -- name it leaderstats to allow the leaderboard to display stats
local KillsValue = Instance.new('IntValue') -- create a kills stat
KillsValue.Name = 'Kills'
KillsValue.Parent = leaderstats
local DeathsValue = Instance.new('IntValue') -- create a deaths stat
DeathsValue.Name = 'Deaths'
DeathsValue.Parent = leaderstats
leaderstats.Parent = player
player.CharacterAdded:Connect(character) -- when the player spawns
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild('Humanoid')
humanoid.Died:Wait() -- wait until the player dies
DeathsValue.Value += 1 -- add a death to the player
local creator = humanoid:FindFirstChild('creator') -- see if a weapon killed them and placed a value
if creator and creator.Value then -- check if the killer exists
local killer = creator.Value
local KillerKills = killer:WaitForChild('leaderstats'):WaitForChild('Kills') -- get the killer's kills stat
if KillerKills then
KillerKills.Value += 1 -- reward a kill
Also here’s the function to put inside of your weapon scripts
local function TagHumanoid(hum, killer)
local creator = Instance.new('ObjectValue')
creator.Name = 'creator'
creator.Value = killer
return creator