How to make an animation move the player character

Like in the title, for example, an animation that moves you , but you can still collide to walls so you dont go trough them or so you dont go back to your original position when the animation ends. I have no idea


Use physics objects like VectorForce or AlightPosition or use the classic and my personal favorite :ApplyImpulse fit for one time needs.

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What if i want the root part to move with the torso to achieve this?

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Apply the force on the root part since it is the primary part so the whole assembly will move along with it (torso, arms, legs etc)

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You can simple use the CFrame property of the player humanoid root part if you want to move the character.

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so if i have an animaton that only moves the torso, so practically the whole character, but not the root part, what should i do?

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wouldnt a while loop while animation is playing that it moves the root part to the torso? (r6)

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What’s the use case? It seems really weird you wan move everything except the hrp

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what hip? what is that? char limit

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mb laptop autocorrected me, I ment to say HRP

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oh the hrp, i want it to move with the character

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so the characters position can change at the final frame, and the character can collide

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just do

local Force = 100
HRP:ApplyImpulse(HRP.CFrame.LookVector * HRP.AssemblyMass * Force)

i want to achieve an execution, but that has a lot of movement, and the character doesnt go trough walls

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Using :ApplyImpulse handles collisions sooo…

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what is apply impulse? never used it before…

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Just applies a force at the center of mass of a base part to propel it in the direction of a Vector3 and with the strength of the magnitude of the Vector3. When it’s applied in the PrimaryPart of a model the whole model will move along with the base part.

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but ill need to constantly apply impulse in many directions, right?

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How is the movement during the animation? Could you draw like a diagram or smth

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well i dont have the animation yet, i wanted to know if i could move the root part in an animation so that the character collides

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