So recently me and my friend have been working on an unannounced game but we’ve come across a problem.
How on earth do you make an automatic running system? Not a shift-to-sprint type thing, but the player is automatically running and can’t stop. I can’t find any sort of tutorial, I’ve looked up many key words, nothing. If any of y’all have anything you could reference me to that would be great!
Note: I am not asking for a full script, just some resources.
you mean toggle to run? like click once and player be in run mode and click again and player be in walk mode?
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No. It’s hard to explain… I want the player to be running and unable to stop running. It’s kind of like subway surfers or temple run.
you can maybe do
put this in a local script and put it in the starterplayer and name it ControlScript
must be named correctly to work
try now as i changed some error i did lol
did it work?

I’m guessing I would do “:WaitForChild:” then right
while true do
Put this in StarterPlayer → StarterPlayerScripts as a LocalScript
NOTE: This will run forever and it will just run straight, you cant move your camera to the direction you want your character to move.
You can customize how far it will go by changing the Also you can customize the wait().
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ah yes you should use waitforchild i forgot about that
I just added a wait(3) instead and it works perfectly
uhh dont do that as sometimes people character might load slowly as internet problems so its better to use waitforchild player
i did wait for child and it said “infinite yield possible on waitforchild:localplayer”
anyway is there a way that the player can still jump with this script?
Yes. My script will allow jumping but read the note. (Basically both scripts will)
Tried yours, doesn’t allow jumping.
Really? Worked for me, weird.
it worked for you since yours you didnt name it ControlScript if you do name it it will override the default controls
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Oh right. I actually didn’t know that, haha!
local plr=game.Players.LocalPlayer
local hum=plr.Character.Humanoid
local uis=game:GetService("UserInputService")
if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Spacebar then
jump included and also infinite moving
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no sure if the enum is correct or not so check that out