Now, a long time ago I’d learnt how to make an egg mesh. So I’ve decided to share how to make it with you all!
Insert a special mesh into the object you want to change and click properties.
Change the mesh type to a sphere. You might be asking, can’t we just insert a sphere. Well the answer to that is no. Why? Well that’s because a mesh has a different behaviour of scaling(that’s what you will need) which is stretching. A regular part does NOT have that.
Last and final step of this simple tutorial is to drum role scale the mesh.
Scale it in the Y axis ever so slighty you could say.
There you go finished! There’s your egg! You could make this larger though.
Of course you can add textures.
Such as this egg.
Now I’ve got you thinking, oh, you don’t need blender and all of that to make an egg. It’s… that simple!