How to make an elevator door animation

Could I have some tips? I’m making an elevator game.

Use tween to move both the door parts in the opposite direction.

As @HotWheelsZZz4 said, you can use Welds (not WeldConstraints) to attach your doors to your elevator and Tween the C0 or C1 (Offset) property of the Weld.
I use the Weld C1 to set the doors where I want them positioned when closed, and then Tween the C0 property to where it needs to be open (in whichever of the 3 axes works for my application). Then just tween the C0 back to 0,0,0 to move the door back to closed.

That makes sense, but I’m a little rusty… What do you mean by C0 and C1?

If you Insert a Weld into a Part you’ll see you have to select Part0 and Part1, which are the 2 components being welded.
C0 and C1 are how you set the CFrame offset of each Part.
When you weld 2 items together they automatically center both at the same Position. You can manually set the C0 to position the 2 parts the distance and rotation that you want leaving the C1 at 0,0,0.
If you want to tween the movement then tween the values of C1 from it’s starting Position of 0,0,0 to it’s final Position.

When working with a Weld you should also know if you can’t just select one of the items to move or rotate it because it’ll break the Weld. Select both of the items (the elevator or the door in this case) and move them together. Otherwise you’ll have to add another Weld since the first one will disappear.

It worked, thanks! I also finally figured out twee service

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