How to make an entire model transparent?

How do you make an entire model transparent with an script? such as moving the model the full model with parts in it, or making it invisible, in my case both, but i need the invisible more.

What is the expirence/game?

You see, I’m making an horror-comendy game, Where theres numerious memes, such as but not limited to burger king foot lettuce, amogus, bts meal etc.

This may sound like an joke, judging by what the game is but it isn’t so is there an way to make an entire model transparent without making everypart transparent?

This must be an thing cause if not, this is very annoying.

So, Is there an way to do it, and an way that could also work for moving things, but making things transparent is my main goal, im trying to make character models transparent, they can go into the basement, [thats not underground]



You can loop though all parts to make the full model transparent

local Model = script.Parent

for _, part in pairs(Model:GetChildren()) do
	if part:IsA("Part") or part:IsA("BasePart") then
		part.Transparency = 0.5  -- Change this to the transparency of your choice

To move the whole model you can use Model | Roblox Creator Documentation or PVInstance | Roblox Creator Documentation


use this

for index, instance in pairs(yourModel:GetDescendants()) do 
if instance:IsA("BasePart") then
instance.Transparency = 1

No use this is better:

for index, instance in pairs(yourModel:GetDescendants()) do 
    if instance:IsA("BasePart") or instance:IsA("Decal") then
        instance.Transparency = 1
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You are not supposed to give solution mark to anyone you like. It is against the rules. Change the solution mark to the correct one.

none of them worked anyway, the humanoid stays visible only some things go away i’ve even tried :destroy

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