How to make an FPS with Rthro

Hello there Developers!

How are you? I was wondering how do i make a FPS game like arsenal FOR RTHRO
Since Roblox removed R15 and R6 or banned idk but i don’t know how to make a FPS Through RTHRO.

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No they didn’t? You can still use R15 and R6 characters too, there is no change. Some people just like the RTHRO characters more because they are “more realistic” (which is exactly why they don’t suit Roblox in my opinion). But if you want to make an RHTRO fps, you can do the same thing that you would do with R15, because they’re basically the same thing, just with a mesh.

Here’s a tutorial on viewmodels

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ok thank you so much @WoTrox for the help

Don’t even think about supporting rthto in your games :slight_smile:


All games that support R15 support Rthro?

I don’t even know that tho :sweat_smile: but i’ll try tho

Then what’s his question in the first place lol
Also, I meant like promoting rthto, not supporting on the technical side

Why shouldn’t OP use a more complex avatar? I don’t think they meant Rthro specifically, but one that’s just more detailed and realistic than blocky R6s or R15s.

Roblox isn’t trying to remove the other body types, they just have some very uh interesting marketing decisions and want everyone else to follow them I guess. Anyways, the process for making an FPS is basically the same no matter what body type you use.

There are hundreds of YouTube videos and developer forum posts on the FPS genre. I’d spend a good 30 minutes or so looking for resources. I can’t think of anything that might be different development wise with Rthro compared to other body types in this context.

I would recommend giving players an option of what body type they want, or making a custom character.

i think thats kind of rasict! lets not condone rasicm on this platform now ok

are you dumb? racism is color not r15 so shut about racism, 9 year old

As @hombremario3 said that’s not racist. If you find it offensive then call it Body Shaming but nothing else. I personally do not like the Rthro avatar.

Body Shaming? :joy: no one No one likes r15 besides some but barely any

isnt r15 a bit difficult and besides it has some bugs so i would suggest r6 or r15 as they didnt remove it but it must be a bug

Lol I’m with you on that one it is stupid but it’s better then calling it racism.

I use r15 for animations. I don’t like Rthro, just like many people.

Well it’s more difficult to work with because it has more parts which gives it more flexibility for better looking animations

r15 is a bit difficult but i agree that you should use it and r6 is like bodymovers and r15 is the new bodymovers

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Lol, R6 is deprecated when it comes to development.

i like r6 its better and i hope roblox doesnt change it but then again if they do i have a plugin that turns r6 to r15 animations

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anyways were gettin off topic so lets talk about how we can help this dude

Well like pretty much every body that had actual genuine reply’s in this topic, OP has to just follow any regular ol’ FPS tutorial (R15 would probably make it easier to change to Rthro) and change it to Rthro