How to make an information ticket?

Hello Devs! I am trying to make a system shown in this game where the person can give you a ticket with information on it. What I would like is someone to be able to give you a ticket like the one shown in the video and for someone else to be able to scan and read it. Would this be an easy thing to do as I am a new dev and can anyone give me any tutorial or help as to how I could achieve this?

Thank you!
MarvelousMatty :smiley:

Okay first you may have for example a UI for the giver, then the giver needs to fill out information.
Use remote events to fire on the client and clone the tool and UI to the target username, change all the text to the information filled out. the username is filled out by the giver. just for you to remember.

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Thank you! I think this is what I am looking for however I’m still kinda new to scripting so Im not sure I would be able to do this by myself without a tutorial or something like that.

Looking at the video alone, you’ll need a couple things to keep in mind:

  • Tool.Activated (Which activates the GUI whenever the card is clicked)
  • Changing the UI Frames to Visible/Invisible upon clicked
  • Getting the Player’s Profile Picture with GetUserThumbnailAsync
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As Jackscarlett said, “Changing the UI Frames to Visible/Invisible upon clicked”, you should use remote events to make it. Look mainly at the developers wiki.

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Thanks for all your help everyone! I think this is what I need but I don’t think I am advanced enough in scripting to achieve this but thanks everyone :slight_smile:

It just takes practice really, you’ll get the hang of it eventually :sweat_smile: Just be sure to look up stuff on the Developer API

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Ha ha. Thanks! I will do! :slight_smile: