How to make an object ignore the world position

I made an object that will be on the player’s head. I plan on cloning it from the ReplicatedStorage to the player.

But, how can I make so the positions follow the parent? If I would clone something from the ReplicatedStorage, then the original position would be kept and I’d have to re-adjust everything. Is there a way to fix that?

Clone it from replicated storage and then weld it to body part or humrp and then set the parent somewhere inside the character

Does Roblox Studio not have a function like Unity where it will follow the parent’s object? No way at all to do that?

Do you want it to follow the head with a delay? If you want it to instantaneously follow the parent weld the instance to the parent.

I want it to follow it instantaneously with no delays.

local plrs = game:GetService('Players')
local rs = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')

local coolPartOG = rs:WaitForChild('Part')

		local coolPart = coolPartOG:Clone()
		local weld ='Weld')
		weld.Part0 = char:WaitForChild('HumanoidRootPart')
		weld.Part1 = coolPart
		weld.Parent = coolPart
		coolPart.Parent = char.HumanoidRootPart 
		weld.C1 =,-4,0)

Done on Server
End Result (Green cube above player)

You’re obviously gonna have to edit the code for your personal needs but the idea is still there

I went with a simpler approach and made accessory items which make things SUPER easy with cloning, no additional coding needed!