How to make an object massless?

How am I able to make an object light as when it is un-anchored and hit, it is sent flying. (Destructible object)

– I prefer not to use loops

Cheers - Creative Side-B

You can keep the brick anchored, and then when it’s hit, unanchor it and apply the correct velocity/force.

Thanks, but I’ve ran into a problem where the brick doesn’t move as soon as it is hit and stops the velocity of what ever hit it.

Then you can record the velocity, save it, and then apply it after unanchoring the brick.

That would make for a terrible experience. Thanks for the reply though

Go into the Part’s Properties and you will see a checkbox named Massless.
If you want to switch all a model’s Parts to Massless with a script then the best way would be a loop to select all those Parts.

If you just want to make them lighter you can go into the Properties and select BasePart | Roblox Creator Documentation and make the item’s Density whatever works for you.


I’ll see if that works, gimme a sec

If you want the parts to have normal physics after they are hit, then simply make Massless false after the .Touched event fires. (Also I forgot this property existed :sweat_smile:)

You can set the density to 0.01. Also if you are making it when only touched:

local part = script.Parent -- Insert the part's location, I will simply put the script in the part

part.Touched:Connect(function(touchedObject) -- Call the touched event when the part is touched
      if touchedObject.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then -- Check if there is the Humanoid object
            part.CustomPhysicalProperties = true -- Adds custom physics
            part.CustomPhysicalProperties.Density = 0.01 -- Sets the part's density lower to reduce mass