I’m trying to add a ragdoll system upon death, but I did something different.
I don’t want the player to actually die, yet, but I want to make a currently existing R6 rig look like me, then spawn ragdolled.
This is the R6 ragdoll in workspace
, I just want to have a script that makes it look like my avatar:
Just to clarify, all I want right now is a script that simply makes this rig look like my avatar, I don’t want any ragdolling yet.
If you have any suggestions or solutions, please comment them down below. Thank you.
I’ve used this model in the past:
You have to remove the dialog choice located in the head of the model though…I’m not sure if the creator removed that.
NOTE: This won’t load an R6 avatar if your avatar is RTHRO, R15, etc.
Try putting this script into the model:
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This worked, but the Torso is acting strange:
Nevermind, there were just 2 rigs Z-fighting.
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